Harry Potter Sweater Knit Along

This knit-along will focus on the sweater that the Hogwarts students wear in the movie "Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban. Any other sweater from the movies (with the exception of the Weasley Sweater) can also be a part of this KA!

If you are interested in joining this knit-along, please email hppska at misty dot org with your name and your your url!. Thanks!

Friday, August 26, 2005


i have been a major picture slacker, so i have no proof of my progress. i will tonight though, i promise!!

thanks to a looong car trip and lots of sitting around chatting with my knitting in my lap, since saturday morning i've cast on and finished the back of the POA/GOF sweater, with a gryffindor 1/2/1 stripe on the bottom, as well as cast on and finished the ribbing + about 2o rows of the front of the sweater. at this rate i very well might be able to finish it for D*C, which i'll be leaving for in 6 days, with another car ride to work on the sweater on! :)

i'm invisioning blocking this thing at the hotel, which will be interesting to say the least. the main sweater color i made a booboo on too that i didn't realize until the back was half done - the color matching i did was way off, and i matched to the COS/SS sweaters :P oh well, i figure i'd like to make another one someday anyways, since these look like great sweaters - i just gift this one to someone else after i've used it for D*C and halloween.

i'm debating wearing my costume to the GOF premiere. my husband gives me terrified looks when i say that. :P hope all your knitting is going swimmingly!!

EDIT: Now, with pictures! :) Click on the thumbnail for the full shot!

here's the finished back -

here's the front wip, as of this morning -

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Blogger Question

I have noticed that several of you have personal Blogs here on Blogger. How does it compare to Live Journal for use and features? I love the LJ communities, but want to do more with my personal journal without having to get a paid account and I am thinking of starting up a personal blog here on Blogger.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks...

Knitting Update

It has been rather quiet here, must be all the knitting we are doing, so here is a project update on what is on my needles....

QUIDDITCH SWEATER: I have about 9" done on the back. The width is measuring correctly so my gauge calculations were correct (math rocks!)

DUMBLEDORE SCARF: Washed, blocked and fringe added to one end. I am not a lover of making fringe, but it needs to be done. Pictures when it is all completed.

SILK/CASHMERE SWEATER: a non-HP project with a tragic history (see my LiveJournal for details). I have decided to make it a vest rather than a mock turtleneck, I just don't have enough of the yarn to make the sleeves. I will have some leftover which I can incorporate into a house project, being it is a silver-grey color.

Monday, August 15, 2005

I'm too Impaitent!

It's been nearly a month since my LYS told me that they'd have my encore worsted in charcoal for me for my sweater. Today no one even picked up the phone there! I'm going to D*C at the end of this month, and while I have no delusions that I'll have the sweater done for that, I'd like to be able to knit on the car ride there and back.

Sooooo. Since you all have talked about knitpicks yarn, and since i've heard about it on the LJ Knitting community for ages, I'm giving it a try. I just ordered 10 skeins (I am a chronic over-orderer of yarn) of coal, 3 day shipping. Woot.

I can't wait to start my sweater!! :)

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Started Quidditch Sweater (with pics!)

So it has been a week since I got my yarn delivered, I already knit up my gauge swatch and I cast on the back and have knit almost 5 inches on it. I figured it was time to get out the digital camera and take some pictures to share with everyone. Let me say that I am loving the Wool of the Andes from Knit Picks, it knits up even softer than I had expected and I really love the colors. So here we go with some pictures:

Here we have all of the yarn, my swatch and the start of the back. It's a good match of the color in this image too.

Here are 2 shots of my gauge swatch. I added a stripe in the swatch to see how well the colors worked together because I wasn't all too thrilled with it at first. But seeing them knit together changed that, I love the combination. I also tried a K2P1 pattern at the top, but preferred the K2P2.

And here is the back of the sweater. I did 3 inches on smaller needles then switched to larger for the body.

And that is my Ravenclaw Quidditch Sweater to date!

As for other Harry Potter knitting... I am on the last main color panel of the Dumbledore Scarf. I should have that done this week. I started a book scarf, but it kinda got put aside. I'm sure I'll pick it up at some time. I will be starting 2 smaller sized Gryffindor SS/CoS style scarves. A friend of my mother's want to give them to her grandchildren so I said I would make them. They are 6 and 7 yos, so full sized scarves would be too big, so I plan to scale them down.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Yarn Delivered!

The yarn for my Ravenclaw House Quidditch Sweater arrived on Monday! I had it delivered to me at work, since there is no one here during the day to sign for a package delivery. My co-workers were more excited about me opening the box and looking at the yarn than I was. I ordered Wool of the Andes from Knit Picks and I am using the colors Winter Night (a deep royal blue) and Maple Syrup (a warm reddish brown). I wasn't sure about the colors when I first saw them, but the flourescent light at work did not show them at their best, they look much better in natural light. I also knit a stripe of brown into my swatch to see the colors combined and it looks like they will work well together. I'll post pictures of the swatch tomorrow, I really like they way the K2P2 pattern is looking with this yarn and these colors. I am happy with my gauge and will probably be casting on the back tonight.

FYI...this was my first time ordering yarn online. I placed the order on August 1st and it was delivered on the 8th. I will most likely order from them again and maybe try the other sites that have been suggested. I mean I do have so very little yarn on hand....lol!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Speedy Delivery!

The oh-so-soft Merino yarn order arrived just a few minutes ago. What a great surprise!
Must add that we are pleasantly surprised with the quality of the yarn. Now, if it behaves the way we hope, then it is indeed an incredible value. Any other Merino is at least twice the price.
We will come up with accurate stitch and row gauge for the cardigan pattern before we add the pattern to the website.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Hobbie's School Sweater Pattern - a NEW link.

Our apologies!

We made a few changes to Hobbie's House during the day and completely forgot to update this particular link.

Bookmark this new link to the School Sweater pattern.

Send us a note if you need a specific size.


Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Manly Art of Knitting

Good evening ladies... there is a man in the house so we are now knitting co-ed.

My name is Vince and if you are part of Live Journal's HPKnitting, then you know me as yarnguy716. I have been a knitter, on and off, for nearly 20 years now. I have knit 6 of the Hogwarts House Scarves (5 SS/CoS style and 1 POA style) and I am currently working on what a bunch of us have dubbed "The Dumbedore Scarf." It is coming along nicely and I should have it done in about a week or so with some dedicated knitting put in it.

With the scarf being nearly done I decided that I needed a Ravenclaw house Quidditch sweater that I could wear once Goblet of Fire is released. It also justified my placing an order for wool with Knit Picks. I checked on my order and it has been shipped, so I should be able t ostart my gauge swatch in 5 to 15 days depending on how soon I receive my package.

Well that is all for now. I will be stopping in to see how everyone is prgressing and to let you know what my project status is. Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Update and Yarn Grouse!

First off - we have a bunch of new members! I'll add people to the sidebar listing as soon as they email their request in to join us, and I get to the email about once a day. So if you've requested, you'll be up soon!

Secondly, there's a linkback button for your blog/website if you are interested, also on the right sidebar. Yay Linkbacks.

Thirdly - My yarn is not in yet. Much sadness as I wanted to start the sweater this weekend! Oh well, I will have to do more work on my scarf... :)