Harry Potter Sweater Knit Along

This knit-along will focus on the sweater that the Hogwarts students wear in the movie "Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban. Any other sweater from the movies (with the exception of the Weasley Sweater) can also be a part of this KA!

If you are interested in joining this knit-along, please email hppska at misty dot org with your name and your your url!. Thanks!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Blogger Question

I have noticed that several of you have personal Blogs here on Blogger. How does it compare to Live Journal for use and features? I love the LJ communities, but want to do more with my personal journal without having to get a paid account and I am thinking of starting up a personal blog here on Blogger.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks...


  • At 11:38 AM, Blogger Jaya said…

    Since you can sign up and have a blog for free, why not just try it out for yourself?

    I haven't used blogger in ages, but I know that it does give you more control than LJ does.

  • At 2:31 AM, Blogger Vince said…

    Erin, your Blog is one of the reasons I'm thinking of using Blogger. I love the look and set up that you are using. I guess I just need to get off my best intentions and start one up :)


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