Harry Potter Sweater Knit Along

This knit-along will focus on the sweater that the Hogwarts students wear in the movie "Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban. Any other sweater from the movies (with the exception of the Weasley Sweater) can also be a part of this KA!

If you are interested in joining this knit-along, please email hppska at misty dot org with your name and your your url!. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I'm not really sure how many people will be doing this sweater, but I've found that knitalongs are a great motivation - at least for me!

You don't have to have already started your sweater to join this knit-along - just have a desire and a plan to do so in the near future. So welcome, pull up a chair and your needles, and let's go!


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